Monday, March 4, 2013

Muse : Kimberley Gordon

Dans une interview accordée à MySpace, Lana Del Rey a affimé que le meilleur conseil qu'elle pouvait adresser à ses fans était le suivant : “Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it, read books, pick your role model as wisely and find what they did and do it.”

Je crois effectivement que la meilleure façon de réaliser ses rêves est de se fixer des buts concrets et de cibler les étapes à franchir pour les réaliser. S'identifier à une personne qui a déjà accompli les objectifs que nous souhaitons atteindre est très utile pour trouver le courage et la motivation nécessaire avant de se lancer dans de nouveaux projets. Dans les moments plus difficiles, ce modèle d'accomplissement nous permet de garder à l'esprit que rien n'est impossible.

Depuis le début de 2013, j'essaie d'accorder plus de temps aux activités qui me passionnent. Aussi ai-je décidé de me remettre au dessin et à la peinture. La beauté des portraits à l'aquarelle de Kimberley Gordon m'ont convaincue d'essayer ce médium que je n'avais jamais utilisé auparavant. En parcourant les archives de I Love Wildfox, le blog de Kimberley, j'ai découvert que la jeune femme n'était pas seulement douée pour l'aquarelle et le dessin, mais qu'elle possédait également un talent naturel pour l'écriture et la photographie. Sachant que la cofondatrice de Wildfox était passionnée par le design graphique, j'ai voulu en apprendre davantage sur son parcours. Dans un post que l'on retrouve sur son tumblr wedreamoficecream, la jeune femme explique que certains cours ont complètement changé sa vie :
I did not go to school because I couldn’t afford to and I didn’t want loans. My High School grades were average and it would have been hard to get any scholarships. Instead, I studied web design, graphic design, photography, film, photoshop, illustrator, figure drawing and editing at my local city college, I did these NOT for school credit but for the knowledge. It helped me enormously and inspired me to change my life.


In an interview with MySpace, Lana Del Rey said that the best advice she could give to her fans was this one: “Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it, read books, pick your role model as wisely and find what they did and do it.”
I do believe that the best way to achieve our dreams is to identify our goals and the steps to achieve them. Finding a role model who has already accomplished the goals you want to achieve will help you to find the courage and motivation you need begore starting new projects. In the most difficult times, the achievements of your role model will remind you that nothing is impossible.

2013 is a year to do more of what makes you happy. That's one of the reasons why I decided to get back to drawing and painting. The beauty of Kimberley Gordon's portraits convinced me to try watercolor painting even though I had never used this medium before. Looking through I Love Wildfox archives, I found out that Kimberley Gordon is not only gifted with watercolor and drawing skills, but that she also has a natural talent for writing and photography. Knowing that the cofounder of Wildfox is passionate about graphic design, I wanted to learn more about her creative journey. In one of her tumblr post (, the woman explains that studying art and graphic design has completely changed her life:
I did not go to school because I couldn’t afford to and I didn’t want loans. My High School grades were average and it would have been hard to get any scholarships. Instead, I studied web design, graphic design, photography, film, photoshop, illustrator, figure drawing and editing at my local city college, I did these NOT for school credit but for the knowledge. It helped me enormously and inspired me to change my life.

Photography and artwork by Kimberley Gordon

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